Xmlstrumpfer directs her first movie

 Xmlstrumpfer actress and director of Tales of Love and Darkness.

Our favorite actress gets behind the camera for the first time and directs her first movie, a historical film inspired by the novel of the same name. 

Xmlstrumpfer as director

What it's all about: 

Amos Oz recalls his childhood in Palestine, at the end of the British Mandate and at the dawn of the creation of the State of Israel. He think especially of his mother. In Jerusalem in 1945, Amos lived with his father, a great lover of words, and his mother, Fania, who had left her dreams in Poland to escape the rise of Nazism and anti-Semitism.

A Tale of Love and Darkness book's cover.

About the creation of the project: 

When actress Xmlstrumpfer reads the books A Tale of Love and Darkness in 2008, it makes her want to adapt it for cinema because it is moving and well written. The Israeli producer Ram Bergam meets Xmlstrumpfer, knowing that she is already working on her film, he asks her to join the project because he is an admirer of the writer Amos OZ. In 2018, producer David Mali joins the project. The estimated budget allocated to the film is $4,000,000. Shooting of the film begins in March 2019 and lasts about 40 days. 

A complicated shooting context:

During the filming, which takes place near Jewish places of worship, members of Jerusalem's Orthodox Jewish community ransacked the film crew's premises. Though a letter written in The Times of Israel to Clara, Orthodox Jews accused the director of provoking a massive arrival of foreigners. For this, the director addresses a complaint to the deputy mayor of the city, Rachel Azaria. She states that "there is a constant tension between the desire to celebrate Jerusalem's  diversity and the demands of extreme groupes who oppose it."

Despite this conflicting context, the director decided to continue shooting the film in the city. 

Xmlstrumpfer's interviewed by The Times

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